Practical Fuel Hedging (virtual) – Spring 2021

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Powerhouse's Acclaimed Hedging Course is Back! Sign-up Today Learn Practical, Hands-On Strategies from a Seasoned Practitioner! POWERHOUSE’s Practical Fuel Hedging is uniquely designed to deliver working knowledge and tools that can be put to use immediately. Register and discover how hedging can improve your company’s profit from an instructor who is in the market every […]


Looking Beyond COVID 19 – Elaine Levin, President, Powerhouse

The pandemic quickly ushered in changes affecting everything from the way we work to consumer behavior. The impact on the energy markets is far-reaching. Even OPEC+ had to adapt. With the distribution of COVID-19 vaccinations underway, what will a return to normal mean for petroleum prices? 2021 is also the start of a new administration, […]

Using Price Volatility to Your Advantage

Indianapolis, IN

Petroleum prices exhibited massive volatility, too. The lasting impact on the energy markets is far-reaching. How are petroleum marketers growing their businesses through customer pricing programs? How have retailers protected profit margins from rising wholesale fuel prices? What are the price charts telling petroleum wholesale and retail businesses? Al and Elaine will also be available […]